
Space Physics

Textbook University of Oulu.


Space for Educators

of ESA


Auroras paintings in the sky

by Mish Denlinger.


Introduction to Aeronomy

Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy.


The Nine Planets

A multimedia tour of the Solar System by Bill Arnett


The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere

by David P. Stern and Mauricio Peredo.


From Stargazers to Starships

by David P. Stern


The great magnet, the Earth

by David P. Stern


IPS Radio & Space Services

Department of Industry, Science and Resources of the Australian Government (Sun, Solar activity, Suncycle, Earth's magnetic field, Earth's ionosphere, Space Weather)


Space Educator's Handbook

NASA Johnson Space Center.


Windows to the Universe

University of Michigan.


Conférence donnée au festival d'astronomie de Fleurance le 7/08/2007

Christian Jacquey (CESR, Toulouse)


Cours sur la Dynamique des particules individuelles

Christian Jacquey (CESR, Toulouse)


Video of Patrick Robert

Representation of the magnetoshere, model Tsyganenko 87



Un simulateur d'aurores polaires


Une aurore boréale

à Gretz-Armainvillers




