The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory, HELIO, was funded under the Capacities Specific Programme within the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7; Grant No. 238969).

The project has deployed a distributed network of services that address the needs of a broad community of researchers in heliophysics; it provides the most comprehensive integrated information system in this domain. Its goal is to permit the exploration of the Sun-Solar System Connection, and thus requires the joint exploitation of solar, heliospheric and planetary magnetospheric and ionospheric observations.

HELIO is designed around a Service-Oriented Architecture. In this the required capabilities are split into a number tasks that are implemented as separate services that can be orchestrated together as required. The project is a key component of a worldwide effort to integrate heliophysics data and has coordinated closely with international organizations to exploit synergies with complementary domains.

The CDPP has provided significant contributions to the HELIO project, in particular:

  • we participated in the task aimed to define appropriate heliophysics data-models and standards;

  • we were in charge of the scientific definition of a heliospheric propagation tool, which was then implemented in HELIO; - we developed web-services that allowed HELIO to remotely access several key functionalities (plots and automated data searches) of CDPP's AMDA tool.

An example of the remote retrieval of AMDA plots through the HELIO GUI interface is illustrated in the Figure below:


